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78 results found

Video labeling tool

complete solution for video annotation


Import Videos

Import Videos without annotations to Supervisely



Clone project or dataset to selected workspace or project, works with all project types: images / videos / 3d / dicom


Export videos project in Supervisely format

Export videos project and prepares downloadable tar archive


Export only labeled items

Export only labeled items and prepares downloadable tar archive


Train YOLOv5

Dashboard to configure and monitor training


Import videos from cloud storage

Import videos from cloud (Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, ...)


Import videos in Supervisely format

Import videos with annotations in Supervisely format


Serve YOLOv5

Deploy model as REST API service


RITM interactive segmentation SmartTool

State-of-the art object segmentation model in Labeling Interface


Videos project to images project

Creates images project from video project


Import videos by URLs from txt file

Downloads videos by URLs and uploads them to Supervisely Storage


Train MMDetection

Dashboard to configure, start and monitor training


Extract frames from videos

Read every n-th frame and save to images project


Serve Segment Anything Model

Deploy model as REST API service


Train Detectron2

Dashboard to configure, start and monitor training


Apply NN to Videos Project

Predictions on every frame are combined with DeepSort into tracks automatically


Train MMSegmentation

Dashboard to configure, start and monitor training


Serve ClickSEG

Deploy ClickSEG models for interactive instance segmentation


Serve MMDetection

Deploy model as REST API service


TransT object tracking (CVPR2021)

TransT object tracking (CVPR2021)

serve and use in videos annotator


Train UNet

Dashboard to configure, start and monitor training


Serve Detectron2

Deploy model as REST API service


Render Video Labels to MP4

Creates presentation mp4 file based on labeled video


Train MMDetection 3.0

Training dashboard for mmdetection framework (v3.0.0 and above).


Train RITM

Dashboard to configure, start and monitor training


Serve MMSegmentation

Deploy model as REST API service


Split datasets

Split one or multiple datasets into parts


XMem Video Object Segmentation

Semi-supervised, works with both long and short videos


Mark attributed segments on multi-camera videos

Tag segments (begin and end) with custom attributes on single or multiple videos in dual-panel view


Object detection metrics

Interactive Confusion matrix, mAP, ROC and more


Video objects stats for every class

The number of objects, figures and frames for every class for every dataset


Serve Segment Anything in High Quality

Run HQ-SAM and then use in labeling tool


Serve MMDetection 3.0

Deploy MMDetection 3.0 model as a REST API service


MixFormer object tracking (CVPR2022)

CVPR2022 SOTA video object tracking


Images project to videos project

Creates video project from images project


Serve UNet

Deploy model as REST API service


Batched Smart Tool for Videos

Batched smart labeling tool for Videos


Render video to compare projects

Put images with labels into collage and renders comparison videos


EiSeg interactive segmentation SmartTool

SmartTool integration of Efficient Interactive Segmentation (EISeg)


Export YOLOv5 weights

to TorchScript and ONNX formats


Export items after review

Export items after the passing labeling job review


Action Recognition Labeling Tool

Label videos for Action Recognition task


Render video from images

Creates video from images in dataset with selected frame rate and configurable label opacity


Mark segments on multi-camera videos

Tag segments (begin and end) on single or multiple videos in dual-panel view


Train HRDA

Train HRDA model for segmentation in semi-supervised mode


PIPs object tracking

Track points and polygons on videos


Take fragment from video

Extract video fragment to selected project or dataset


Classic Labeling Queues

Annotate Project using Queues


Import YouTube videos

Import videos by urls provided in text file


Objects Interpolation on video

Track polygons, rectangles and points using linear interpolation


Apply NN to video frames

Apply NN models to video frames


Change video framerate

Change video framerate with preserving duration (recodes video)


YouTube Downloader

Downloads and trim video from Youtube.


TAP-Net object tracking

Track points and polygons on videos


Anonymize Data

App to obscure data on images and videos


Serve HRDA

Deploy HRDA model for inference


Labeling Consensus for Videos

Compare annotations of multiple labelers


Labelbox to Supervisely Migration Tool

Convert and copy multiple Labelbox projects into Supervisely at once.


Merge Tags

Merge Tags in videos or images project


Import CVAT

Import images and videos with annotations in CVAT format.


Action Recognition Stats Tool

Analyse videos labeled for Action Recognition task


Import Videos from Team Files

Import selected videos from Team Files to selected destination


Create project from template

Create a new empty project with a meta of original project


Convert Video Class Shape

Converts shapes of classes on videos (e.g. polygon to bitmap) and all corresponding objects


Serve InSPyReNet

Deploy InSPyReNet for salient object segmentation as a REST API service


CoTracker object tracking

Track points, polygons and skeletons (keypoints) on videos


V7 to Supervisely Migration Tool

Convert and copy multiple V7 datasets into Supervisely at once.


[beta] Serve OpenCV

[beta] Serve OpenCV

serve and use in videos annotator


Synthetic videos for tracking

Synthesize videos on annotated data


Import V7

Import images and videos with annotations in V7 format.


CVAT to Supervisely Migration Tool

Convert and copy multiple CVAT projects into Supervisely at once.


Serve Transfiner

Deploy Transfiner for instance segmentation as a REST API service


Serve SelfReformer

Deploy SelfReformer for salient object segmentation as a REST API service


Export YOLOv8 weights

to TorchScript and ONNX formats


Action Recognition

Label and Review videos for Action Recognition task


Videos example

Videos example

Sample videos with labels


Demo video pairs

Demo video pairs

Video pairs for multicamera labeling